群组信息 私有
RE: 第二届 SwShPL 队长报名及赛事说明
要求:年龄范围:18-40岁(非硬性要求,重在心灵成熟度) 教育背景:本科及以上学历,拥有良好的文化素养和持续学习的态度 职业状态:有稳定的工作或事业,对生活有明确的规划和目标 性格特点:正直、善良、有责任心,具备良好的沟通能力和幽默感 生活态度:热爱生活,注重健康,愿意共同营造温馨和谐的家庭氛围 附加优势:有共同的兴趣爱好(如阅读、旅行、运动等)或对生活有独特见解者更佳
简历内容:请简要介绍您的基本信息(年龄、学历、职业)、个人兴趣爱好、家庭背景、对未来生活的期望及您认为自己最吸引人的地方。 照片:附上一张近期生活照,让我们先从眼缘开始。 联系方式:请在邮件末尾留下您的联系方式(邮箱或微信),以便进一步交流。 投递邮箱:[请填写您的邮箱地址]
本征集旨在寻找真诚的伴侣,非诚勿扰。 尊重每一位参与者的隐私,所有信息将仅用于双方初步了解之用。 期待的是基于相互尊重和平等的交流,无论结果如何,都希望能保持友好和尊重。
RE: RBPL2024 选手报名
[2024/10/13] RBPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 swordsmann Gu Together 12000 gdwyuudachi Gu Together 12000 igjackeylove IGJackeylove Team 12000 vxltarktimi Waning of moon fell asleep 12000 lzaaaaa IGJackeylove Team 10000 cscl Waning of moon fell asleep 12000 SeaRabbit IGJackeylove Team 6500 cen344 Waning of moon fell asleep 10000 soulking0 Gu Together 11500 TKYSZL magic gugu spam 11500 Jinitaimei Gu Together 3000 rubv magic gugu spam 3000 Scale IGJackeylove Team 10000 EvershineAuE Gu Together 3000 rimarinalove Gu Together 7500 sdkko Waning of moon fell asleep 6000 thinkcalmly Waning of moon fell asleep 5000 tinseltowngirl magic gugu spam 17000 unjuanable Gu Together 8000 gostop magic gugu spam 8000 sidalin IGJackeylove Team 6500 NakanoNino IGJackeylove Team 7000 WHKW magic gugu spam 5500 ORDEAL magic gugu spam 7500 nianxun Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 Kalove IGJackeylove Team 3000 Mok3s magic gugu spam 5000 Sawra magic gugu spam 8000 maxinyuuu Waning of moon fell asleep 5000 xqiht Gu Together 4500 RaidenMei IGJackeylove Team 3000 vegdog Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 fansher Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 sisiyoguang IGJackeylove Team 4000 daretolovexkh Gu Together 3000 Nashrock Gu Together 11000 Wishing IGJackeylove Team 6000 xu9 IGJackeylove Team 7000 lemonkss7 Waning of moon fell asleep 5000 SkyVacation Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 Akoutori Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 ghfan IGJackeylove Team 5000 tapuleleyyds Gu Together 4000 aimyguo magic gugu spam 3000 shuixin magic gugu spam 3000 Whitepureloii Waning of moon fell asleep 3000 huanjuea Waning of moon fell asleep 7000 Residual magic gugu spam 3000 Alienc magic gugu spam 3000 -
RE: USMPL2024 队员报名帖
[2024/10/05] USMPL 2024 选人结束。记录:
选手 队伍 价格 rubv Barking 16000 raceding Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 16000 clove1998 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 16000 xqiht Sctp Xqlove Project 16000 cen344 Sctp Xqlove Project 15500 huanjuea Barking 3000 metallica Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 31000 pichiu Sctp Xqlove Project 7500 akeng Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 17000 xingggggg Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 gostop Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 15500 xkh Sctp Xqlove Project 7000 Allenxia Barking 13500 Strange name Barking 15500 nbk47 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 xujing691691 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 20500 searabbit Sctp Xqlove Project 10500 qishi Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 archer Barking 6000 baibaiats Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 8500 dianniao Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 15500 Octperlover0 Sctp Xqlove Project 5000 yyfsx Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3000 tinsel towngirl Barking 21500 Nashrock Sctp Xqlove Project 10000 mew2629 Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 4000 WHKW10086 Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 11000 altaria QWQ Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 9000 remnonc Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 8000 yuanan Barking 3000 xiaolulu Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 9000 xu9 Sctp Xqlove Project 7500 yuudachi0811 Barking 15000 bird of belief Barking 4000 unjuanable Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 7000 qianmo Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 4000 ordeal Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 14000 aip yuehua Sctp Xqlove Project 13500 sawra Sctp Xqlove Project 9000 xiaqiu Sctp Xqlove Project 8500 xuwu Sctp Xqlove Project 6500 0.9mirror Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 5000 Wishing Burning Heaven‘s Ruler 3500 ghfan Barking 4500 akxhdwy Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 4000 maxinyuuu Barking 3000 Mok3s Barking 3500 Vxltarktimi Barking 4000 jqlove Unscrupulous University :starts at 8 AM 9500 wyhhh Barking 3000 shuixin Sctp Xqlove Project 3500