4th Academy Premier League盛邀国服玩家参与!
由主办方之一的 @devwin 积极邀请我们参加第四届Discord 学院杯!虽然不是smogon论坛的比赛,但可预见玩家群体将能和smogon高度重合。
ADPL有8个队伍,选人模式与CPL一致,每位队长获配140K的金额进行买人,选手数量不设上限,直到资金用完为止(国内选手能有相对可观的几率获选)比赛分级: Stour Bo3,SS OU, SM OU, ORAS OU, BW OU, DPP OU and ADV OU.
报名将持续到3月3日,有意参加的可以直接通过链接进行报名,或者如果在语言,连接技术,约战问题感觉会遇到一定困难的话可以找我 @chickwayne(QQ:540744124)来帮忙,我会为你们提供力所能及的帮助
The Academy is proud to announce it is hosting the 4th season of the ADPL, which is its own version of the Smogon Premier League.
We are open to all types of players, from veterans to new ones willing to try something different!‣ This competition will consist of 8 teams managed by a manager and a co-manager each, who will partake on an auction to get players for their team (minimum of 10 players, and cannot exceed the maximum budget of 140k).
‣ The season will last for 7 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of playoffs, with multiple matches being played in each of them.
‣ You can sign up for your preferred metas: Bo3 Stour, SS OU, SM OU, ORAS OU, BW OU, DPP OU and ADV OU.‣ Manager cores:
Phantom Troupe: @Empo + @devwin
Unaware Quagires: Sirwings + YoruNoxx
Celadon City Chancers: Randy west + Captain funk
Craw Crew: Anvil Head + Amir
Machu Pichus: BluBird + Eden
Marshadow Mafia: Simp + Skypenguin
Victorious Victinis: Ron + Tnunes
Squirtle Squad: Howkings + PaisPlayer Signups close 3rd March 23:59GMT. Auction Date TBD.
We wish you all the very best and hope it will be a enjoyable experience for all!
Discord群/Server invite: https://discord.gg/E4G5PHxVaZ
报名地址/Player Sign-up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfgsGcPJMhq6_gt004T-K0B5xRxMHaZJshusgAHsghQPLlYcg/viewform?usp=send_form因为不可描述的原因,如果在报名时遇到困难,烦请私信 @chickwayne 你的Discord账号,Smogon论坛账号以及想打的分级(不备注时区默认GMT+8),我将为你们整理好报名表格一次性发给主办方。
in as out