PU公开赛 2020 秋季赛 PU Open 2020 Fall Seasonal
The minimum number of participants to start this competition is 8. The registration will be extended by one week if it's not satisfied. The competition will be cancelled if it is still not satisfied.
***国服锦标赛通用规则PSCN Tours General Rules***click to show赛制
This competition is an Open. Any player who is confident in G7 PU can sign up. The round of the competition will be determined according to the number of participants .
According to the number of participants, players who wins several games in the Swiss(BO3) will promote to the playoffs (single eliminations, BO3). Similarly, players who loses several games in the Swiss round will be knockout from the game. Half of all participants can promote to the playoffs.
The matchup of playoffs will be determined according to the number of applicants and the result of the Swiss. If the number of applicants is not an integer power of 2, the players who are advance in the Swiss will have a Bye in the first round.
用户名: [请写你的圈名 或 PS的主ID (若圈名含有中文请务必填写PS ID)] QQ:[请留下QQ方便届时联系约战] 例: 用户名: Wss QQ:1349063471
报名人数为单数时最后一个报名的选手将成为替补,如果第一轮有选手被act win则第二轮开始会被替补强制替换,当多名选手被act win时会随机选择一位。
Reply to the registration in this post, and the format is as follows:
Name: [Your nickname or PS ID] QQ: [if you don't have QQ, you can list Discord instead] example: Name: Wss QQ: 13490643471
When the number of applicants is odd, the last player to signup will become a substitute. If someone is absent in the first round, in the second round he or she will be forced to be replaced by the substitute.
Please upload the replay after the game and reply as the win post(if you cannot upload due to delay, you can download the replay and upload to the forum). Replay is an important evidence for judging the result of the game. The player is obliged to save replays and post (but you can still hide or unlist the replay).
进入决赛即奖励国服PU房间Room Voice(+),已有Room Voice(+)则升级为Room Driver(%)
The finalists will be awarded the PU Room Voice(+) in PS China Server, and the existing Room Voice(+) will be upgraded to Room Driver(%)
积分奖励 Credits
轮次\总参赛人数 Round\Total number of participants 8 12 16 24 32 48 64 96 冠军 Champion 300 400 500 600 900 900 1100 1100 Finalists 200 200 250 250 600 600 900 900 R3 - - - - - - 600 600 R2 - - - - 250 250 250 250 R1 - - 200 200 200 200 200 200 从瑞士轮中晋级 Promote from the Swiss 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 裁判 Refree
Discord: Slow_Dream#7987比赛一周一轮,允许选手在申请后因事推迟一次(最长为三天),报名截止至11月15日晚23:59,开赛时间为11月16日。
This Open is one round per week, and the applications for a extention no more than three days is allowed. The deadline of signup is 23:59 pm on November 15 (GMT+8), and the first round will start in the next week. -
discord: eZo#1490, the pharoah on smogon -
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@cbz123 笑死我了,cbz哥哥加油啊!
@cbz123 cbz加油,我期待看到你在赛场上的英姿
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