ShinxCup S2 Qualifiers&Playoffs 资格赛&季后赛
ShinxCup Season2 Playoffs
积分榜 Ranking
名次 Rank 队伍 Team 队长 Captain 总分 Score Week1 Week2 Week3 1 Team Alpha @Bushtush 15 5-1 5-1 5-1 2 飛行艇 @Allen-xia寻欢 13 4-2 4-2 5-1 3 水镜八奇 @EDG-kangri 12 5-1 3-3 4-2 4 你永远不可能离开你的家乡 @冰鸟 12 4-2 3-3 5-1 5 肥肥今天吃什么 @line38324 11 5-1 4-2 2-4 6 我晒干了沉默,悔得很冲动 @dragonitenb 10 2-4 4-2 4-2 7 The Rokugan Owners @Empo 10 5-1 3-3 2-4 8 鸡犬升天 @归虚梦演 9 3-3 3-3 3-3 祝各位比赛好运,友谊第一比赛第二,给各位带来精彩的比赛! We wish all players have a good luck and have fun!
规则 Rules 国服赛事通用规则 General Rules in PS China
[比赛选手应互相尊重,友谊第一,比赛第二 Friendship first, competition second]
关于比赛约战 About pairing with your opponent
In QQ or Discord, we strongly recommend you to save a screenshot of the chat log when pairing with your opponent. See details in here. If your opponent ignores your messages, please contact your team leader for help.[关于使用替补 About subs]
If a starter player disappears without any advance notice, the team leader can replace him / her with a sub player. The sub player must NOT be a player who has played a match in the same week.计时器与掉线规则 About timers
[关于保存回放 About replays] 比赛期间,请不要勾选“Don't allow spectators”,也不要使用“/ionext” 指令。如果比赛房间被隐藏,请使用“/publicroom”指令公开房间。如果比赛房间不允许观众加入,请使用“/modjoin off”指令解锁。
Please do not choose "Don't allow spectators" and do not use "/ionext" instructions before a match. If your battle room is hiden, please use "/publicroom" to make it public. If spectators can't enter your battle room, please use "/modjoin off" to unlock it.建议在比赛开始时使用"/modchat #" ,围观人员尊重比赛,"观棋不语"
We recommend you to use "modchat #" at the beginning of the game. Spectators should respect players and should not say anything unnecessary during the game.
允许使用"/hidereplay"让回放不被搜索到(方便以后世界杯时不给他国对手信息), 但是必须保存回放链接交给队长留存。因为PS的回放储存地处于海外,还请在完赛后多次确认回放成功保存。 对于没有保存回放的比赛,国服比赛管理团队保留要求重赛的权利。
You can use "/hidereplay" to unlist your replays. However, you should save the replay link and make it available to your team leader. We may ask for a rematch if the replay is not saved.[关于分级变动 About tier changes]
All tier changes will not affect the tour after Monday 12:00pm each week. In other words, those tier changes will only impact following weeks. -
Last Spot Qualifier
牙白白 (2) vs (4) 如果奇迹有颜色 那一定是粉红色
STOUR BO3: @豆鼓 vs @Metallica
SSOU: @嘎嘎嘎 vs @安龙Unown
SMOU: @阿青 vs @Mewtwo927
ORASOU: @冷慕 vs @Mega蓝胖
BWOU: @szdrdztr vs @折纸Kartana
DPPOU: @misakabai vs @Chaos23333牙白白 (3) vs (3) 鸡犬升天
STOUR BO3: @豆鼓 vs @Dawnmoon
SSOU: @嘎嘎嘎 vs @GDW-Yuudachi
SMOU: @阿青 vs @rubv
ORASOU: @冷慕 vs @Shootingwolf
BWOU: @szdrdztr vs wadse
DPPOU: @misakabai vs @归虚梦演鸡犬升天 (5) vs (1) 如果奇迹有颜色 那一定是粉红色
STOUR BO3: @Dawnmoon vs @Metallica
SSOU: @GDW-Yuudachi vs @安龙Unown
SMOU: @rubv vs @Mewtwo927
ORASOU: @Shootingwolf vs @Mega蓝胖
BWOU: wadse vs @折纸Kartana
DPPOU: @归虚梦演 vs @Chaos23333恭喜 鸡犬升天 队获得ShinxCup Season2季后赛的最后一张门票
The play-off will go double elimination and the winner of the BO3 wins the game if the score is same, so there will be no tiebreaker throughout the playoffs. -
你永远不可能离开你的家乡 (1) vs (5) The Rokugan OwnersSTOUR BO3: @雾团 vs @Empo
SSOU: @冰鸟 vs Storm Zone
SMOU: @一别 vs @haxrme
ORASOU: @ewppg vsCiro@devwin
BWOU: @EgoXim vs @Sayuze
DPPOU: @任心而行 vs Heroic Troller飞行艇 (2) vs (4) 水镜八奇
STOUR BO3: @Allen-xia寻欢 vs @Separation
SSOU: @以月 vs @晋文公
SMOU: @err0 vs @chickwayne
ORASOU: @淡雅 vs @minakamiyuki
BWOU: @Lificious vs @皮卡丘的尾巴
DPPOU: @爆裂丨豆荚 vs @EDG-kangri -
肥肥今天吃什么 (5) vs (1) 我晒干了沉默,悔得很冲动STOUR BO3: @gggiq280 vs @yoppie
SSOU: @line38324 vs @折纸大师
SMOU: @浪子 vs @dragonitenb
ORASOU: @vusty vs @mm-rr-k
BWOU: @让红莲燃烧一切 vs @sstj
DPPOU: @超超越越v vs @xujing691691鸡犬升天 (1) vs (4) Team Alpha
STOUR BO3: @GDW-Yuudachi vs TJ
SSOU: @Dawnmoon vs Gary
SMOU: @rubv vs Isza
ORASOU: @Shootingwolf vs Jon ledger
BWOU: wadse vs ez
DPPOU: @归虚梦演 vs Snaga -
@皇家萌使 主办方被套牢,能省则省了
@shinx 你被哪个神秘代码套牢了啊