W4 vs Void Villains
Entrocefalo vs kythr
kythr is a player more known as OU main. The author had played against him as well on PSPL tiebreaker at round (I forget), and the author just cooked him smoothly. (replay: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen9ubers-1887955631-vaewngrymde6uea4y0zm9b57887pd3gpw)
We all expect kythr will be receiving team from his teammate, therefore me and entro decided to be conservative this round to secure a win. Lando+orge and zacian is a very safe core to face someone you know that he is going to cteam you, but unfortunately not bringing poison type makes kythr’s glimmora a pretty annoying limiting factor for entro to do physical attack. The first two turns was both of them testing out the switching habit. Entro smartly dodged the tempted glimmora switches to prevent toxic spikes, and make ekiller to the field in a relatively safe spot. Kythr did not notice the danger of ekiller and allowed entro to set up at +6. If entro is tera normal, it will be gg on the spot ekiller gets to +6. Kythr glimmora is probably no memento and then was choking a switch and letting entro to land a free espeed on zacian which is the only mon in his team that can take a +6 espeed to revenge. Kythr was forced to commit his tera early which is the biggest disaster a HO team could face, and with tera and speed control (zacian) are both gone, kythr last effort was putting orge on position and that also didn’t success as entro hit a beautiful earthquake on it and saved koraidon very well for anti rain measure. Entro’s zacian is just unstoppable after kyogre fainted.
Again, this game was pretty much in expectation as we all didn’t recognize kythr as a solid ubers player at all, and kythr unsurprisingly act exactly the same as our expectation, literally throw the game on one ultra mega irreversible choke, and also exposed his low knowledge on the tier overall. It is better to go gym instead of playing upl for kythr at the moment.
Kythr聽說是個OU大神? 不清楚。在這周之前我曾經在PSPL不知道第幾輪的TB被隊友推上刑台,比較幸運地打爆了他 (錄像見上). 我和隊友都估計他應該連組隊都不會,很可能讓什麼FC給個隊就上了的節奏,於是我和entro決定用點比較安全的精靈組合對付他,比如說這把的大劍+土云+海,威嚇改天氣和控速都有,對明知道要被強攻針對的情況下是個相對不錯的配合。但非常不幸地見到晶光花,這邊一隊沒人踩毒釘也沒有除霧,搞的entro連點個物攻技能都難。前兩個回合算是雙方互相試探操作,entro沒有貪朱的攻擊讀換了晶光花讓普創安全上場。Kythr 此時不主打uber的問題就反映出來了,他沒有對普創給予足夠的重視而是放任普創到+6,而這個晶光花不但沒有好的攻擊技能甚至連臨別禮物都沒有帶,慌不擇路之下居然選擇讓隊伍裡唯一可以對攻+6普創的大劍吃了一發神速,導致kythr別無選擇只能馬上太鬼地創解決這個普創。對於HO來講,失去速度控制和失去太晶後手權是兩個最大的惡夢,而kythr也只剩通過海皇硬打來尋找突破口,而這最後的希望也被entro有意保留住的朱和一個漂亮的地震摁滅了。太晶沒了海皇沒了速度控制也沒了,Entro的大劍一旦安全上場就已經打光剩下的朱和冰馬了。
這把雖然對位問題比較大,但結果而言還是很符合我們賽前的預期: kythr不是主打ub,而他也不負眾望而又符合預期地用一個無可挽救的失誤送給我們一把,同時也反映了他對UB低落的認知程度。這樣的人想UPL打當代,還是回家再練十年吧。
Inder vs Tier
I don’t really like inder’s team this week. Mewtwo as a wisp+taunt spammer, it is not a standalone mon to go. It needs specific teammate to bring synergy to validate its uses. To elaborate on the above, mewtwo provides:
- Psystrike
- Fast taunt against ceus
- Fast wisp against ceus.
With pressure, It is basically the best counter to cm ceus in most cases. But mewtwo cant do this all by his own, as there is no way to promise arceus never get one calm mind to turn the table. On top of that, most cm ceus is running tera poison to avoid getting toxic, and that’s why mewtwo cannot act to be a standalone mon against cm arceus: mewtwo will need ceus to tera poison so that psystrike can effectively remove cm ceus. And what can force ceus to tera poison? Bring Poison type!
But we didn’t see a single poison type on inder’s team this week. It makes the mewtwo looks absolutely dumb and probably just giving free chance to miraidon at the point he is not clicking psystrike. Funny thing is, both inder and tier’s team looks so identical but one mon difference with etern vs mewtwo, even mewtwo usually just cook etern, it is still the tier team straight better than inder’s as mewtwo just barely do a little in this mu.
Though being said, inder cooked tier in the early stage of the game. A heavy ruination hitting scarf lando is huge as F, inder also find a way to safely make ekiller on the field. As tier gambled a ww on tinglu which was blocked by ekiller’s taunt, he is forced to sack one mon which is eternatus, the toxic spike setter. Tier was forced to put its zacian on spot in the early stage, but inder making a big choke right here. Instead of keeping ceus as a priority, he sacked it into zacian with a full landorus at the back and even allowing zacian a free swords dance. Again, with a full landorus at the back, inder wasted its tera on tier correctly predicted and do the correct thing as inder was being way too obvious to go mewtwo here. Inder further risked a speedtie with its own zacian which he lost before he finally realized landorus, but its too late as landorus got chipped below rocks range and opposite ekiller just wins on spot.
This is probably one of the game that you can see the biggest contrast on a player within a game. Played perfectly in first few turn and then just choked to the ground in the rest of the game. Well truth to be told , inder is making these shit play occasionally lol so it doesn’t really surprised me too much though. It really is the mewtwo triggered me the most.
1: 精破
2. 比創快的鬼火
3, 比創快的挑撥。
加上壓力特性,這種超夢一般能輕鬆一對一冥想創,但這是6對6,超夢又不能時時刻刻對位到冥想創,被他冥想一次你一樣還是打不過。那超夢到底好在哪裡? 好在精破。因為冥想創為了躲毒,太晶毒非常主流,那麼配合毒系隊友逼創大晶再超夢精破收割才是這種超夢存在的根底理由,而inder這隊塞了超夢卻沒有帶毒系是真的有點刺激到我,特別到這把而言,超夢除了給機會紫之外幾乎就什麼都干不了,甚至inder和tiery這把除了毒龍和超夢就是鏡像對局的情況下,哪怕超夢對位上壓制毒龍,但也架不住毒龍一把毒釘幾乎就可以結束比賽。
Shuwri vs Soulwind
Shuwri used the same 6 with what inder used above. Soulwind brings a “groundy please fuck me hard” team, and he didn’t meet groundy.
Lead is kyorge vs miraidon. The faster drizzle reveals immediately the kyorge is scarfer. Nonetheless the shuwri doesn’t give a fuck and immdediately go draco meteor doing 57% to clodsire, which the damage is pretty suspect to soulwind as it might be a high roll from modest of a timid draco plate, which makes him fell from the taunt of shuwri afterwards. Soulwind trying to outplay shuwri with fairyceus to chase the margin, but shuwri go straight ruination halfing fairyceus and correctly forced arceus run with a zacian switch. Soulwind fell completely off from the rhythm and shuwri gets another miraidon spot against skeledirge, which basically makes clodsire completely out of the game. Soulwind trying to retaliate with zacian, stopped and killed by landorus T but soulwind also eliminated rock setter with scarf orge. Soulwind made a rare choke here which is withdrawing orge from a miraidon swtichin. If soulwind calculated, he should know that tera water spout straightly 0hko miraidon. He didn’t do so, and instead trying to make aggressive double to stall out miraidon’s terrain. He successfully do so, as shuwri is in “I don’t want to risk shit” mode with miraidon is too big right there. Soulwind beautifully catched ting lu on with his orge but again still not tera to water right there. I think just clicking spout is very doubtful move here as shuwri has no switches to orge and he ought to do something with its own ting right now, and tera water gives the most advantage overall because even if ting lu takes with tera, it wont be able to take another because you already attacked a full power tera spout, or risking to lose miraidon with water resisting tera. The Earthquake on orge is too big and soulwind lost his effective speed control at that moment. After kyogre was traded for the unstoppable miraidon, soulwind is not able to win as taunt ekiller+zacian is just too much for one skeledirge to bear.
To conclude, soulwind basically lose because of the hesitation on committing early tera. Somehow I guess this is a habit as soulwind is a good player overall and they used to play in extreme safe and refuse to commit a one time resources until the very late game situation. Most of the time it may be right, but unfortunately the slow tera of soulwind this game literally cost him the game.
Shuwri帶了跟inder一模一樣的6隻。隊伍的問題我不再吐糟,而soulwind這邊的隊伍…地創: 我觀爾等乃插標賣首
首發海皇對紫。從特性的發動順序可以得出這個海是圍巾的。但shuwri完全不鳥,直接一個龍星就是砸了過去打了57%。57%對soulwind個很尷尬的數字,既可以是龍板龍星,也可以是保守龍星(圍巾保守?)高隨。也因為這個尷尬的數字,導致soulwind這個再生被挑到了,也直接導致土王這把在T2當場去世。Soulwind這邊嘗試通過操作仙創爭取追回優勢反被鼎鹿倒了一嘴屎,因此對大劍無力再進行激進先讀被shuwri反讀安全上紫。Soulwind繼續嘗試努力反撲,用大劍逼退紫同時將shuwri的岩釘手對掉,此時圍巾海在場上滿血,shuwri卻發現他居然沒有海皇的換入了,無奈只好上紫。soulwind此時犯了個錯誤。在對方紫和己方海進入換子節奏的時侯沒有仔細計算太晶水噴水的傷害已經可以斬殺踩過兩次岩釘的紫,而是換走了海皇,失去了一次突破的機會。再然後,雖然soulwind利用shuwri”我已經很大優勢了我不想浪”的心理成功拖光了電場回合,但又一次在海皇對鼎鹿這種場合該太晶不太晶白白送掉了海皇的血量,因為此時shuwri沒有海皇換入已經被逼太晶鼎鹿了,如果你太晶水,打在非克制身上可以直接將鼎鹿干碎,後排的紫還有做事情的機會; 哪怕打在抵抗身上,紫也多半可以電穿(只有太晶草能同時防住,但太晶草鼎鹿的使用範圍極窄)。吃了地震,場上兩釘子,soulwind的速度控制已經等同白給,火主一個人當然沒可能打得過普創+大劍的聯攻,於是大劍開心清場。
總結一下,soulwind輸的原因基本就是因為猶豫。猶豫就會白給! Soulwind作為著名玩家,打得小心怕是已經是深入骨髓的習慣,對於早發動太晶這種一次性資源一般都非常小心甚至小心過頭。大部分情況小心點總沒有錯,但這次正好就是猶豫就會白給,習慣這次總歸是害了他。
Update 30/7/2023
Mimikyu stardust vs FC
don+clefable vs ferro+kyogre+mash
mu advantages is really good for mimikyu here but maybe he can go further out as FC team basically fully predictable. Nonetheless, the starting position is really good for mimikyu. Specs astral doing 40 to yveltal indicates this is a jolly yveltal, fc had to be aggressive taunt on clefable on Turn 3 showed a sign of how hard this mu is to FC. Mimikyu successfully make groudon on spot against twave ndm, and I don’t know why he clicked edge as FC team just can’t stop groudon but oh well. Anyway, kyogre of fc was also pressing hard on mymikyu team as mimikyu’s etern is literally a punching bag of kyogre on the set and not even beating ferrothorn because of no flamethrower. With enough chip done by hazards and scald burn, FC’s marsh start to be threatening to mimikyu’s team . mimikyu beautifully struck off marsh first wave by doubling yveltal and clefable but was a bit impatient to trying to regain health for yveltal and it let fc’s ndm straight killed yveltal as FC always hax. In a situation like this, what you don’t want to do is reversing the importance of play. Yes, yveltal health is underpressure and it is relatively urgent as otherwise marsh may just going too wild. But on the on the other hand, groudon is also extremely unstoppable for fc with sr up as well. On top of that, there are ways to create a safe roosting turn for yveltal and you don’t have to be risking a throw here against twave ndm. As yveltal gone, the game speeded up very quickly and with a pair of paralyse, mimikyu was able to set up don and place himself in a winning position. Unfortunately, with 2 blade missing in a roll, fc’s over safety play was not getting punished and mimikyu sadly lose the game.
Overall, fc showed a great control at the beginning and accumulated enough advantages to place mimikyu on the losing edge. But again don shows why don is the don and it on one hand maintained mimikyu last hope in the mid game, and be a complete actor in the end rewarding fc’s safety play. Unfortunate game for mimikyu.
這把MU來講挺利好mimikyu的,畢竟FC其實相當好針對,特別是打一些非main ub的選手他肯定會掏一些好猜的冷無缺比如海皇草鋼,古拉鳳凰之類的然後就果然如此
FC這把到底有多難打呢 首先是個開朗Y吃星碎4成,在第三回合已經被逼得要激進挑撥皮可西出釘了。後面FC這個電波騾子就是無限送古拉機會,古拉第一回合輸出點石刃沒讀中Y,其實我覺得這個讀就沒什麼必要,FC這隊就是打不過古拉啊你老實打就是了。這個石刃有點白給海皇免費沸水了好幾個回合,mimikyu這個毒龍是個打不過草鋼的毒龍,帶了龍尾基本上也只是個沙包,於是比賽變成看海皇還是古拉殺得快了(通常都是古拉殺得快)。不過FC後排還有個瑪夏多,所以海皇草鋼來回倒屎幾次之後瑪夏多馬上就進入2HKO全世界的節奏了。Mimikyu漂亮地通過雙換Y和皮可西頂過了瑪夏多第一波攻擊,同時瑪夏多也進入崖劍射程,不過mimikyu心急地想讓Y回復,於是FC這種以hax聞名的玩家毫不客氣的電波鐵頭hax死了滿血Y。這裡是8UB新手常犯錯誤: 總以為自己可以在電波NDM面前吃電波再滿血走人。事有輕重緩急,Y的血量固然重要,但你古拉明顯已經可以殺光對面全隊的時侯,那是不是應該早點出古拉殺人呢?
Skimmythegod vs royal1604
every one on the earth knows how skimmy choke this perfect start. I don’t want to go too deep on that as the choke is just way too obvious and nothing else can be elaborated besides talking negative words so I will leave it here.
Learn to click SLOW Skimmy