浅谈g3ou常见套路 + 常见岩石系,岩抗和水系 + 常见特盾
Smogon at it's majority is a community of maladjusted kids who find other maladjusted kids and stick together refusing to grow up.
The shit you see 30y full grown man say and/do over nothing is absurd and I wish would be studied.
ADV OU Teambuilding / Strategy: Archetypes and Cores
2019年7月G3OU 使用率 1760分段
The World Cup of Pokémon 2019 - Usage Stats
CALLOUS Invitational 3 - Usage Statistics
CALLOUS Invitational 1 Replays
ADV OU Teambuilding Compendium
Spikes in ADV OU - The Guide and Techs by McMeghan
spl x team dump by zf,在linear的profile上有zf对于问题的回复
ADV MegaDump by thelinearcurve
**Skarmbliss TSS** tss与tss对垒的话,game time long. Double Trap + weather reset can be unwinnable so depending on the team it's really important to keep Skarm from getting trapped by Mag. The Toxic Zap+Dug MU to be quite irritating. SkarmBliss must also be weary of fighting type offence. **Spikeless/Mixed offense** The key is making the correct trades with your meta and lax boom. A problem for Spikeless offense teams is spike + electric due to the fraility of Snorlax under Spikes, and also dug+solid phys checks. By forgoing bulk on Swampert, opposing physical sweepers can make an entry. **Magless Offense** 如果队伍里有卡比之类的物攻手,就要有削弱/诱杀对面钢鸟/核果的手段 **Physical Offense** 1.magging the skarm if you are magneton-based physical offense. However, Magneton Offense is quite susceptible to opposing Skarmory to Dugtrio/HP Fire Magneton double switches. 2.pressuring bulky water 3.not losing to gar. 没有追击班的话,鬼火耿鬼很恼人,同理鬼火火焰鸟也是难题之一。 4.虽然通常会带上卡比,但卡比容易过劳,所以双刀血翼和海星等是不可忽视的威胁 **Special Spikes Offense** Vs offense it usually breaks down a special wall Vs bulky teams it may try to rely a bit more on the physical side Twave zap is problematic. **Spinner + Mag Balance / Bulky Offense** Aka the common Magneton + Claydol (Magdol) archetype as well as some other interesting balances (Magneton + Starmie / Bait + Spinner). Bulky Spikeless Offense does well against this archetype ** CM Spam** 可以用固执地鼠抓死常规大蛋。 冥想手两个及以上,有雪基君和雷皇等选择。 考虑耿鬼甚至冷门的冰神柱等炸特盾后上三地鼠抓。 也可以塞巨金怪,巨甲和赫拉等等,如果还剩格子的话给水怪、3d2、电鸟啥的都行 苦手三地鼠 However, as CM spam candidates don’t have the immediate speed, or power, they struggle against offenses. 环境中常见的龙舞手是班吉拉,血翼和鲤鱼。 如果队伍中有许愿星,那就是班吉拉的强化起点; 如果队伍中有雪拉比,那就是血翼的强化起点; 如果队伍中三地鼠锁地震,那就是鲤鱼的强化起点。 前两者可能会被水君阻止,但水君一般前期就过劳了 **SkarmMag** When Skarmory + Magneton appear together, Magneton acts to win the Spikes war by trapping opposing Magneton and removing it with HP Fire. Mag Dol can be very annoying, as well as Cloyster and Fighters.
化肥定位:Aerodactyl is the epitome of a late game cleaner in ADV 1u. 特性:石脑,舍身撞没有反伤 道具:基本都是专爱头巾 配招:岩崩+地震+舍身撞+觉飞/觉虫 Hidden Power Flying rounds off the set by giving Aerodactyl a strong secondary STAB move that is useful against Celebi and fighters. It is useful having a 100% accurate move with which to hit Gengar. Hidden Power Bug is an alternative option that trades the general utility of a STAB move in order to do significantly more damage to Celebi, while also hitting Claydol and Starmie harder and not giving Tyranitar a free switch. 性格和努力:极速满攻
磁怪:定位:Outside of trapping Skarmory, it is also capable of trapping Choice Band Metagross locked into Meteor Mash, as well as Forretress. 但有磁怪的队伍一般会难以处理铁甲贝 道具:磁铁,剩饭,速度果,光粉,奇迹种子,奇迹果等等。 Magnet gives you a 75% to KO Skarmory which is huge. Other benefits involve 2HKOing Tyranitar. Thus Tyranitar can only setup once on your Magneton (even if it has Lum to take your Thunder Wave) Furthermore it also allows it to hit Pokemon like Snorlax significantly harder with its STAB Thunderbolts. 配招:十万伏特+觉火/觉草/觉冰+剧毒/电磁波/求雨/放晴/保护/替身/忍耐/噪音选二 电磁波让许愿星变得废物,但要小心火拳/爆裂拳 求雨/放晴clear sky,主要和快攻队中的速度果赫拉,慢强化队伍中的诅咒卡比与defensive cm cune等搭配 替身+剧毒的配置基本上是剩饭 忍耐速度果觉草/冰反杀三地鼠,噪音到对面特盾的话直接上我方三地鼠抓死 替身+奇迹种子觉草阴三地鼠 性格和努力:极攻满速简单粗暴 A Modest nature and max Special Attack allows it to OHKO even the most specially defensive of Skarmory and Forretress. 对于忍耐速度果配置来讲: Nature:Timid EVs:52 HP/252 SpA/204 Spe Magneton's EV spread is designed so that it is able to outspeed Jolly Dugtrio at +1; maximum Speed investment comes two points short of outspeeding Timid Jolteon and Jolly Aerodactyl, and as such investing 204 Speed EVs is the most efficient spread. Note that a Timid nature must be used with this set, this means that it only has an 18.8% chance of OHKOing standard Dugtrio making it rather unreliable should the opponent decide to stay in. It also means it will never OHKO Specially Defensive Skarmory. 当然还有Modest 240 HP / 212 SpA / 56 Spe With all the YOLOskarms running around, aside from running timid Mag, super fat Mag is the other answer to this metagame trend. Ojama's spread that lives Forre EQ is unnecessary cos Forre is a terrible Mon, so 240HP guarantees lives HP Ground while sparing enough EVs so that Mag isn't outsped by every mon and its dog. Important to note Metagross doesn't really get revenge trapped anymore, and handy to know that 240HP Mag guarantee lives 1 layer of spike + Off Star Hydro. 除了bulky mag之外,timid mag也能针对yoloskarm,可以把耐久拉到吃对面的极攻磁怪觉火
土偶:定位:岩地抗。可以打打没有回复的许愿星,或者被麻痹的许愿基拉祈 配招:地震+高旋+精干/冰光/爆炸/清新/影球 高旋扫钉是最普遍的配置 Psychic is used in the third slot to threaten Gengar and allow Claydol to spin with more ease against it, and act as a check to it to a certain extent. Ice Beam is slashed first in the fourth moveslot because with it Claydol is a good answer to Dragon Dance Salamence and an excellent one to Flygon. 影球是为了土偶对垒的时候打输出,还能打耿鬼 地震+大爆炸+岩崩/影球/精干选二 Not a cute Claydol,适合放在剑舞蜡笔短接队伍中 [性格和努力](https://pokepast.es/b69826562005c395) 固执扫钉土偶物攻端考虑地震2HKO追击班,特攻考虑精干2HKO特耐耿鬼。混耐土偶耐久考虑吃耿鬼冰拳,hp fly from cb mence and hp bug +0 tar
定位:岩地抗,电免。 Still rock resist that is immune to spikes is a premium trait 配招: 地震+大火/岩崩/剧毒/替身/保护/觉醒虫/觉醒飞/起风选三 地震+岩崩+觉醒虫+剧毒/大火/起风 道具专爱头巾 Rock Slide takes out Mence, Aerodactyl, Zapdos and gar, both of which are kept in check by Flygon's typing. It's also Flygon's strongest attack against threats like Gengar. Fire Blast keeps Skarmory and Forretress from walling Flygon. Hidden Power Bug allows it to take out Celebi and is Flygon's strongest attack versus Claydol and opposing Flygon. Toxic can be used for Swampert and Mence, which normally keeps Flygon in check. It also severely hinders common switch-ins such as Porygon2 and Claydol. gust flygon from UD linear did that first in a tour game in 2018 honestly for those gon mag pursuitar teams that cant afford a hera check slot its probably worth it over toxic [性格和努力](https://pokepast.es/c8ef05399e56971c)
大钢蛇:eq + hp rock/pro/tox/roar/boom with suit support Lix just fits over the gross slot on mag+dd offenses. Everyone knows what lix does but gross can be anything, and gross can boom on waters more easily. And defensively I guess you’re married to lix milo style teams
Most common Yama set is knock off + brick break+ 2 fillers, usually rest + ww but can run a hp like flying, bug, ghost if needed. Bulky and thick fat
如果队伍中只有offensive pert作为水系的话,对付physspam会吃力
https://www.smogon.com/dex/rs/pokemon/milotic/定位:Mixed wall. Its access to Recover means it is not as easily worn down by repeated attacks and residual damage, something the other bulky Waters struggle with. Its huge Special Defense makes it one of the best answers to mixed attackers such as Tyranitar Salamence while also making it quite difficult to threaten without the threat of set up or powerful Electric attacks. 特性:神秘鳞片。比如boom lax点压制触发麻痹状态,美纳斯就只会被boom突破了 配招:冲浪+再生+剧毒/清新/冰光/催眠/觉电选二 Ice Beam makes Milotic a sure answer to Salamence and Flygon. It also threatens Celebi and Zap on the switch. Toxic keeps Blissey in check and can help wear down Celebi, opposing Milotic, and defensive threats in general. 性格和努力:252大法挺好的,不过也可以试试248 HP / 212 Def / 48 Spe
定位:如果说g2的终盘诅咒卡比是每个队伍都要考虑防备的慢强化手(当然g3诅咒卡比也很可怕),那么g3的终盘冥想水君也应该是不少队伍都要考虑防备的强化手。 弱点只有草和电,冥想还强化特防让草和电的伤害不那么明显。 Suicune is arguably one of the best Pokemon in the game. 配招:冥想+冲浪+睡觉+吼叫/冰光/梦话 Roar wins out against other Calm Mind users (including other Suicune) and, when paired with Spikes, can keep forcing out Suicune's most common switch-ins: Blissey, Celebi, and sth rare like Raikou. Ice Beam plays a direct role, allowing Suicune to effectively check Salamence and Flygon throughout the game, while also beating Zapdos and Celebi much easier. Talk cune is good vs the teams relying on skarm phasing or tar loop to beat it Ways to stall a resting suicune include sandstorm + leech seed + paralyzing the suicune / Using lots of resists + recovery in the same team, like celebi, starmie, blissey, milotic 冥想+水炮/冲浪+冰光+吼叫/觉电/觉草 在打一些巨甲乃至磁怪的时候,水炮的威力是冲浪不能企及的。 Hidden Power Electric hits water types such as Gyarados or Cloyster who think they can set up on Suicune, as well as Milotic who it has a difficult time damaging otherwise. 替身+冥想+冲浪/水炮+冰光/吼叫 对面如果一直用同类换挡的话,水炮PP不够用,但水炮和卡比等东西对攻的时候有冲浪达不到的威力 其实剧毒水君也有价值,给电鸟/大蛋/同类来一发剧毒 保护像后世代那样,不在沙暴下可以回血,试探爆炸,pp stall,但不泛用 性格和努力:https://pokepast.es/ea769c963c5f0292 astacune is modest stalk cune, with enough hp to live stosses from bliss, but has maxspa att 对于攻水君来讲,极限特攻水炮可以对巨甲乃至磁怪造成更多伤害,耐久可以考虑踩钉后吃电鸟十万伏特以及吃两次CB钢蟹地震。
定位: Its defensive set is made viable by its position of the best Rapid Spinner in a tier where Skarmory finds set-up everywhere. It's backed up in this role by its bulk allowing it to handle threats like Salamence and Flygon occasionally while abusing its speed and Psychic STAB to keep Gengar from even considering spinblocking. No offense is strong against offensive mie. With its incredible Speed tier and coverage, Offensive Starmie is up there for one of the best cleaners in the tier. 配招:水炮+十万伏特+冰光+高旋/精干/觉醒草/再生 Psychic rounds out Starmie's coverage, giving it the ability to OHKO Gengar and some Heracross. 冲浪+高旋+再生+电磁波/十万伏特/冰光/精干/剧毒/反射盾 Twave: Overall utility. Speed control, getting free turns out of full paras. It's mainly useful for the SpDef Skarmory matchup. Without the full paras, Skarmory is actually rly annoying to deal with because of Protec/Toxic in sand. Ice Beam slays offensive mons like Salamence and Flygon. Thunderbolt trashes opposing Waters, SpDef Skarmory and takes out the threatening Gyarados. 性格和努力:可以参考https://pokepast.es/1946c44950e99760
定位:出钉手。由于核果有时候没格子带觉虫/鬼,而铁甲贝有格子带本系攻击技能,它能逼退土偶这个高旋手。 配招:撒菱+大爆炸/冲浪/冰光/高旋/觉醒草选三 Surf is generally preferred as a STAB move over Ice Beam to hit Metagross, Tyranitar, and opposing Forretress. Ice Beam has room if you desperately need an answer to Salamence and it can hit Celebi and Zapdos switching in twice as hard. mix pert会读铁甲贝撒菱用气合拳,这时候就可以点觉草了 性格和努力:可以参考https://pokepast.es/e3d2c52256f9b937 另外再补充一个配置 https://pokepast.es/f3b51e162cb7d89e I believe all Cloy should be fast. It gets worn down by Sand and Status anyway, so better to hit a speed tier good for the metagame. Hitting 246 speed means outspeeding all Tar and Pert and importantly almost all Rest Zapdos and Bulky Celebi, meaning it can spike+boom to quickly gain the initiative. The other EVs are spread such that Cloyster will always live a tbolt from timid Off Star. 因此铁甲贝常出现在攻队中,而核果和特耐钢鸟经常在受队中使用。
定位:不怕非觉电水盾的清场手。也可以通过电磁波麻痹电鸟来辅助队友 配招:龙舞+觉飞/岩+地震+舍身撞/电磁波/挑拨/睡觉 Hidden Power Flying is generally superior to Hidden Power Rock, both for STAB and for the good type coverage it provides such as Hera, Haryiama and Breloom. However, Hidden Power Rock hurts Zapdos, who is one of Gyarados' main counters, and deals acceptable damage to Skarmory; Aerodactyl doesn't enjoy it either. Double-Edge wreaks havoc on Zapdos switch-ins 性格和努力:可以参考https://pokepast.es/191d5f4cdd14973c,睡觉鲤鱼的努力比较特殊,需要具体情况具体分析
Default and most consistent rain sweeper. Decent unboosted speed tier. Good defensive typing (only one weakness) and solid special attack with good coverage makes Kingdra super dangerous in Rain. https://pokepast.es/f0c71086fecec2d3
快乐蛋定位:从g1开始,蛋就占据了特盾的一席之地。虽然modern dpp被皮可西分掉了不少饭碗,但在宝可梦对战史上,吉利蛋和快乐蛋就是特盾的代表。 It completely, utterly, ridiculously, absurdly walls half of the tier, and threatens 90% of the rest of it. Every single specially offensive Mon NEEDS methods with which it can beat, or at least take advantage of Blissey. 配招:冥想+生蛋+冰光/火放/十万/觉草选二 电冰或者火草打击面都可行,但国际比赛环境中基本绝迹 生蛋+电磁波/剧毒/唱歌+冰光/返拳+地球投/火放/大火 Seismic Toss lets Blissey check a number of important Pokemon such as offensive Jirachi, offensive Suicune without Substitute, offensive Zapdos, Jolteon, and many more. Ice Beam is preferred by many players as it allows Blissey to beat Dugtrio. Additionally, Ice Beam lets Blissey hurt Gengar, as well as OHKO Salamence. Thunder Wave is useful for crippling a lot of Blissey's more offensive switch-ins, namely Gyarados and Tyranitar. Also, with paralysis support, your team may be more adept at checking the powerful special attackers that Blissey can't normally beat, such as Calm Mind + Leech Seed Celebi. Toxic is useful for halting a Celebi's sweep, forcing a Suicune to rest prematurely, as well as crippling other Pokemon that don't appreciate Toxic like Tyranitar. 火招chip skarm/gross 许愿+冰光/返拳+地球投/生蛋/保护/电磁波/剧毒/唱歌/火放/大火选二 性格与努力:https://pokepast.es/b645c2e47f7c6556
能挡电+草打击面,比如雷布等等,但电鸟会带钻孔啄。defensive variants的物耐可以考虑吃cb化肥觉醒虫,特攻可以考虑觉醒草OHKO三地鼠,特防可以考虑耿鬼冰/火拳
https://www.smogon.com/dex/rs/pokemon/jolteon/定位: Its 110 base Special Attack and 130 base Speed make it stand out as a solid late game cleaner. Thanks to its ability, Volt Absorb, combined with decent Special Defense and amazing Speed, it can act as a solid offensive pivot against a number of special attackers including Gengar, Zapdos, opposing Jolt and Starmie. 电+草的雷布会送蜡笔机会,并且换挡水系攻击不太舒服,挡状态技能,尤其是电磁波的话,画虎不成反类犬。吼叫能阻止高移电鸟队伍 配招:十万+觉草/觉冰+吼叫/电磁波/接力棒/许愿/替身选二 Hidden Power Grass destroys Swampert, a driving force in the Advance metagame. Hidden Power Ice, on the other hand, creates a pseudo-BoltBeam combo, ploughs through Mence and Flygon, and takes a decent chunk out of Celebi and Venusaur, which forces the former to use Recover and quickly wears down the latter. 性格与努力:252之外还可以76 HP / 180 SpA / 252 Spe These HP EVs allow Jolteon to survive Hydro Pump from offensive Starmie after 3 layers of Spikes and sand. Furthermore, the investment also allows it to survive Aerodactyl's Rock Slide, which makes the speed tie a little bit more favorable as Aerodactyl is forced to lock itself into either Double Edge or Earthquake to have a good shot of winning the match up.