UBSD赛事说明及报名 UBSD Introduction&Player Signups (取消 CANCELLED)
赛程 Time
UBSD is expected to be held from 9.12 to 10.9比赛分级 Metagamaes
BO3 ( SS Ubers,USM Ubers,ORAS Ubers)
SS Ubers
SS Ubers Without Calyrex-Shadow BO3
USM Ubers
ORAS Ubers
BW2 Ubers
DPP Ubers
ADV Ubers队伍与队长:
Teams and Managers
Team manager can make a self-purchase in first pick
队名:精准礼仪 Precision Protocol
队长: @归虚梦演
Discord:Indulge in dreams#2428队名:飛得更高 Take Me Higher
队长: @绯绯殿下
Discord:Mei0812#4092队名:天空花束 Gracidea
队长: @爆裂丨豆荚
Discord:burstbean#3194队名: 終末之海 Primordial Sea
队长: @海兔
Discord:SeaRabbit#21874支队伍将两两对决,胜负纪录最好的两支队伍争冠,总计4-5周。胜负纪录相同时参照直接对局结果(胜者晋级),如依旧存在平局则采取加赛BO3 (BO3 + 每队自选1分级)方式加以区分。
Five of the four teams will duel in pairs, and the two teams with the best record will compete for the championship for a total of 4-5 weeks. When the winning and losing records are the same, refer to the direct match results (promotion of the winner). If there is still a draw, the method of overtime BO3 (BO3 + 1 metagames selected by each team) will be adopted to distinguish.
选人方式为【蛇形】,每队最低人数 = 首发所需人数 + 2。(即10人)
The selection method is [snake], and the minimum number of each team = the number required for the first round + 2. (i.e. 10 people, without capping)
规则 Rules
国服赛事通用规则 PSCN Tours General Rules
计时器与掉线规则 Timing and restarting rules
获胜判定规则 No Self-KO Clause in Gen1-4 Metas奖励 Awards
When the number of applicants reaches 48, the champion team will be awarded 600 points. When the number of applicants is less than 36, the champion team will be awarded 600 * (x / 36) national service points. X is the number of applicants.报名格式 Format for Signing up
用户名: [请写你的圈名 或 PS的主ID (若圈名含有中文请务必填写PS ID)] 分级: [请在 BO3/SwSh Ubers/USM Ubers/ORAS Ubers/BW2 Ubers/DPP Ubers/ADV Ubers中选择,若报名多个分级请按照擅长程度从高到低排列] QQ&Discord:[请留下QQ方便届时联系约战,如果有Discord请留下你的Discord账号] 方便进行比赛的开始日期: 承诺:我将在比赛期间保持活跃,不会消极比赛或主动要求队长交易自己。我已阅读比赛规则,了解在团赛期间消极比赛或破坏团队氛围会根据相关规则招致处罚。[报名比赛时该承诺将默认生效,如果你无法遵守请不要报名]
Name: [Your PSID e.g. Slow_Dream] Tiers Played: [G7Ubers/G5Ubers/G3Ubers list all metas you would like to play and list your best metas in the front] QQ&Discord: [Please leave your Discord ID to facilitate contact with us. If you have QQ, please leave your QQ number too. Preferred Time:[Your free time that can play] Write This: I promise that I will keep active during the game, and I will not negative game or force the captain to trade myself. I've read the rules of the tournament, I understand that the negative gaming or disrupting team will result in penalties and I'm willing to bear the possible consequences if I break the rule.[The commitment will come into effect when you sign up for the competition]
The robot will be used to count the number of people (in regular expression), so please fill in the format, thank you for your cooperation.
Please reply in this post to signup and the signup ends at 9 am GMT+8 on the day of auction. -
only 8ubwithoutblackhorse -
3 4 7 8ub
周五周六周日有时间 -
in bwub only(和歪果仁打过,队伍也有,买了放心,错过了upl没想到还有ubsd)
我承诺 -
7代神战娱乐睾手 -
id rimarinalove
分级 啥都能bu学hui,放心替补
qq 451513698 -
6 7 8 -
35353535353535353 -
in as 浅梦的爹
to支持打架或者看组队 -
In ADV USM 菜逼 0作用选手 慎选
@中野二乃 说着忙然后报9月比赛呜呜 渣男二乃
Bo3 SS without caly
SS Ubers
Bo3 Slot -
@Indercover GOAT
@Indercover goat
Name: [Lord_Hgssanta/Hgssanta-Kun]
Tiers Played: [ADV/BW/DPP/ORAS/BO3]
QQ&Discord: [Hgssanta#5680]
Preferred Time:[Should be pretty free, college might hamper it]
I promise that I will keep active during the game, and I will not negative game or force the captain to trade myself. I've read the rules of the tournament, I understand that the negative gaming or disrupting team will result in penalties and I'm willing to bear the possible consequences if I break the rule.[The commitment will come into effect when you sign up for the competition] -
@Lord-Hgssanta Vegan
Name: [Ethanchu]
Tiers Played: [Ss Ubers>Usm Ubers>Oras Ubers>Adv Ubers>Dpp Ubers>Bw2 Ubers]
QQ&Discord: [Ethanchu#0878]
Preferred Time:[Evening, Night , Gmt + 5.30]
I promise that I will keep active during the game, and I will not negative game or force the captain to trade myself. I've read the rules of the tournament, I understand that the negative gaming or disrupting team will result in penalties and I'm willing to bear the possible consequences if I break the rule. -
我是晚霞哥粉丝,什么都不会打 -
7 8ub
QQ:177013756 -
第一次当队长 屁都不会 随机挑九个人陪我坐牢